
Thomas Topp
Lead Developer

Thomas Topp, M.Sc., studied aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany and graduated with a master of science in 2019. Since 2020 he is working at the Institute of Navigation as a PhD candidate, in the course of which he created the sensor-fusion software INSTINCT and is its current lead developer. His field of expertise covers INS/GNSS sensor fusion, inertial navigation, filtering techniques and C++/Rust programming. He is an active member of the open source community on GitHub.

Institute of NavigationGitHub
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hobiger
Supervision of project and algorithms development

Thomas Hobiger is full professor with the University of Stuttgart, Germany, where he is the head of the Institute of Navigation. His main research focuses on positioning, navigation and timing and he has been involved in projects related to autonomous flying, GNSS, GNSS-R, software-defined radio, high-performance computing, propagation of radio waves, and time and frequency transfer. Prof. Hobiger is an IAG Fellow and was a recipient of the AGU Geodesy Section Award, in 2018. He was also a recipient of the Tsuboi Award, the EPS Award 2010, and the EGU Outstanding Young Scientist Award 2011. Prof. Hobiger advises companies on GNSS, inertial navigation, sensor fusion, estimation theory and various aspects of navigation.

Institute of Navigation
Marcel Maier
Developer - Inertial navigation, sensor fusion

Marcel Maier studied aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, where he graduated with a master's degree in 2020. Since 2021 he is working at the Institute of Navigation as a PhD candidate. His research work is focused on the reliability of navigation solutions for autonomous flight. Topics include: inertial navigation, Multi-IMU sensor fusion, INS/GNSS fusion and state estimation. He is contributing this work to the INSTINCT software.

Institute of Navigation
Doris Becker
GNSS consultant
Institute of Navigation