Configure flows in our user-friendly graphical user interface. Simulate sensors, read data files and deploy to hardware just by exchanging a single input.
Precise Navigation
Batteries included: Single Point Positioning, Real-Time Kinematic, INS/GNSS sensor fusion, Multi-IMU fusion, …
Combine existing or implement your own navigation algorithm in a matter of hours.
Written in C++ to ensure the best performance possible. Focused on real-time cabability and deployment on weaker hardware on mobile platforms.
Multi platform
Whether Linux, MacOs or Windows we got you covered. Or just run it headless on your testing platform (e.g. Raspberry Pi)
Industry support
Missing a feature? Ask us! We offer user-specific implementations.
Interested to use the software? Workshops, coaching and more on demand.
Open-source for Research
In order to accelerate reasearch worldwide we made the code open-source under the MPL-2.0 license. Feel free to use it for your research, but don’t forget to give something back (pull requests, citations, …)
Latest from Our Blog
Website released
We’re thrilled to announce that INSTINCT, the cutting-edge navigation software developed by the Institute of Navigation at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, now has its very own online home! Explore[…]
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